Circumcise Your Sin Consciousness Which is Dust
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Psa 103:14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
From our opening verses, we see that the serpent shall “eat dust” and that our “frame” is “dust”. Without looking into the Hebrew, we would probably conclude that the word “frame” in Psalms 103:14 means our body. Instead, the word “frame” is the same word as “mind” in Isaiah 26:3, and the word “mind” is actually better translated “imagination” as it is in the following scriptures:
Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
1Ch 28:9 …for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts…
Gen 8:21 …for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth…
H3336 -imagination
From H3335; a form; figuratively conception (that is, purpose): - frame, thing framed, imagination, mind, work.
“Our frame is dust”. That’s what the verse says. Let’s replace the word “frame” with the word “imagination”.
Psa 103:14 For he knoweth our frame (imagination); he remembereth that we are dust.
Now the verse says that our ‘imagination’ is dust. That’s powerful. Dust is the word aphar (Ay-PH-R).
H6083 -Dust
From H6080; dust (as powdered or gray); hence clay, earth, mud
Many words in the Hebrew language have a double meaning. Of course there is the concreted meaning for dust, meaning the physical dust of the earth, but then there is the realization that the concrete meaning is a simple parable of the paradigm behind the word. This is what we are looking for, the parable that explains the paradigm. We are looking for the paradigm, for the paradigm is the Father, and the Son (the Word of God) is the one who points to the Father.
When we understand that our imagination is dust we can then understand why it became the ‘food of the serpent’. The serpent is forced to eat that which he produces. Only forces of darkness will hold you to your past and form a prison cell for you out of those thoughts. Heaven is all about your future.
If we hold onto past experiences and keep thinking about them, then we will form imaginations around those thoughts and feelings and we will become held in a prison cell of the past and will not be able to engage our future. We essentially become ‘worm’ food because the enemy (serpent) was cursed to eat that which he produced in Eve, which essentially was the ‘sin consciousness’ that was formed by Eve forming an imagination around what the serpent presented to her.
The Mind ‘Stayed’
Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
As shown, the word “mind” is actually imagination. Can you keep your imagination “stayed” in Him? You can. You simply need to take His Word into your heart and become fixated upon it. The word “stayed” is the word SaMeK and is actually the Letter SaMeK used as a word in a sentence. It means a trellace or support structure that you can lean upon. Can you use the Word of God to lean upon instead of all your past experiences? You can if you will trust Him, but then that is the struggle, isn’t it? To trust or not to trust Yahweh, that is the question, and it has always been the question since the time that the serpent, who creates dust in you, entered the equation. Trust is a simple choice.
We must cut off or ‘circumcise’ the dust, the sin consciousness, by fixing our mind on the Word of God. We do this by forming consciousness around His word. This brings Shalom Shalom, or perfect peace.
Your Past Does Not Determine Your Future
When you see this you will be set free. It is illogical to think that, if I got bit by a dog in the past, that all dogs in the future will bite me. Some think this way and it is how phobias get started. We consider phobias a mental/psychological disorder, and yet most people, maybe even you, do this same thing at some level every day.
How many people think that because their parents and grandparents were poor that they will either be poor or have a hard time becoming wealthy. How many think that because they failed at something in the past that they will fail at the same thing in the future. Even worse, if they have failed at multiple things then they ARE a failure and so everything they do in the future will be a failure.
That is a mind living from the dust of the past. In order to believe this way, imaginations have been formed around thoughts and feelings of things that have happened in the past, and a belief system is then formed on what to expect in the future.
This is insanity and if you are locked into this way of thinking then you have become ‘worm food’ (dust is serpent food: Gen 3:14)
Your future is based on what Elohym put into your scroll from the Name of Yahweh. He took from the Name of Yahweh the 22 Letters and formed your story out of that. Your story is your future. Your future will unfold as you ACT upon your scroll that is within you. Your scroll was formed within you for you to act upon, not just to think about.
Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
The enemy will try to stop you acting upon your scroll by getting you into the dusty illusion and delusion of your past. He will work hard to help you form imaginations around your past experiences and thoughts, even if he has to give you false ‘visions’ and ‘dreams’. Too many people have fallen to this deception. He has to do this, because it is the only way he is able to feed. He feeds on your dust (your imaginations based on past thoughts and feelings). Don’t become serpent food. Don’t create food for the worms to eat by engaging ‘vain imaginations’.
Psa 119:113 SAMECH. I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love.
Jer 4:14 O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved. How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee?
Imagination Forms Consciousness
An ‘imagination’ is a YaTZaR, a formation, as we have seen previously. Whatever you form your imagination around will become your consciousness. This is why it is so important to choose carefully what you allow into your eyes and ears and meditation zone. Do not meditate and repeat to yourself that which you do not want to form consciousness around.
The fact that consciousness is formed by what you meditate and imagine is seen very clearly in the reprobate minds around you. They cannot stop sinning because of what they think about continually:
Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
I spent 18 days in jail last year for an offense that I did not commit, and in that place I was surrounded by those of a reprobate mind. Nothing about jail was overly unpleasant, except the consciousness of those around me. Their minds were filthy, their mouth was full of poison and filth, and they had a stench of foul uncleanness that surrounded them as a cloud.
I saw Gen 6:5 in clarity. I realized very clearly that I was witnessing and experiencing the uncircumcised sin consciousness.
I had to quickly decide that I was not going to partake of any “dust” of my own sin consciousness or it was going to compound the density of it around me. I had to engage might in order to resist the stench around me and partake of His sweetness in my inward man. It strengthened my ability to go IN to the Holy of Holies within me and to leave those Philistines on the outside where they belonged:
1Sa 17:36 Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God.
when I read the part
“because the enemy (serpent) was cursed to eat that which he produced in Eve, which essentially was the ‘sin consciousness’ that was formed by Eve forming an imagination around what the serpent presented to her.”
I completely relate to that.
Any twisted truth or belief in us, that has been formed by experiences of the past especially, causes false imaginations and even idolatry- in that way the enemy is feeding off our worship as well- of things that are not of the One True God/Truth.
This is why being built up in the consciousness of the Word is of utmost importance. When the Word becomes our consciousness- we no longer are feeding the devil twisted…
Ok this gives more depth to Matthew 10:14 ”And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.”
Hi, just a wee drunk over here ahahahaha our minds are dust!!!! That’s some of the best news I’ve heard in my whole life! Gives me so much hope & understanding of how I’ve been healed already by the Word. Ok, back to reading...
Wow I needed exactly this. It gives me more understanding how to disengage the sin consciousness within me & how exactly the serpent tries to use it & how imagination will help me get deeper into True conciousness.
It gave me more clarity on what Sierra was sharing with me yesterday. Basically there is worm food around us & trying to affect us, especially when around those of a reprobate mind. Seeing how you…
WOW! The mind of the old crucified man Ro 6:6 is dust that the serpent eats. You explained so clearly how we can accidentally become the feeding place for all the devils that roam around us. Devils have been sentenced to feed upon our dead rotting flesh, which is all of our past memories (even up to seconds ago).
When we get caught in thought loops of insanity as we imagine the past, we become devil food and we make them stronger as they feed. We are not able to fulfill Yahweh's will as a mighty ox that is treading out the fresh day Yah has created if we are re-experience dead memories all the time.
I'm seeing that…