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Snake Skin Frequency


Snake Skin Frequency

1Jn 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1Jn 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

How do you test the spirits to see if they “are of God”? You test the frequency.

Frequeny? Yes, words give off frequency. All words have the potential to be filled with a spirit. A spirit always looks for words to fill. That’s what gives a spirit a legal position and right into another realm in which it seeks to manifest.

A spirit cannot manifest, even the Holy Spirit, unless it (He) can get you to agree with the ‘words of its power’. The Words you speak always carry power and power is frequency.

Confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh” means that you agree and speak the same as the Word made flesh. When the Word comes into the ‘flesh’ (in this case body), then the ‘flesh’ frequency of the serpent that is in your body is challenged. These two frequencies cannot remain in the same sphere, the lesser is subjugated to the greater.

When the Word is made flesh it circumcises off the serpent flesh which we inherited from our forefathers.

The Holy Spirit lives in the His Word and familiar spirits live in man’s word, therefore your renewed mind is a sharp weapon against all that would oppose the frequency

of the Father that you carry.


Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

Confess in Greek (homologeo) literally means to “speak the same as”. When somebody speaks the same as the Word, the Holy Spirit, not the spirit of this age, will make that person to be conformed to the image and reflection of the Son who is the Word.

When you agree with, and speak the same as, the Word, heaven begins to work within and around you to structure you and your environment to reflect that which is in Heaven. Do you know why Heaven is heaven?

Heaven is heaven because everything there is structured according to the Word. His perfect Will is done in Heaven because the Word is the foundational structure of all realities.

When you begin fundamentally agree with the Word and you begin to speak like the Word, Heaven then begins to transfer into your life. Heaven transfers from there to here upon the structures of the platforms that you build by the Words of your mouth spoken from the desires of your heart.

Our Will or His Will Be Done

The fundamental difference between Kingdom activity and witchcraft is simply a matter of the will. If you are serving your own will then you are serving the devil and his fake kingdom. You are then qualified as a fool.

If you are serving Father’s Will, then you are serving and promoting the Word into manifestation and thus helping to bring heaven to earth. Are you a gate of hell or a gate of Glory?

If you use His Words for your own desires (before the serpent flesh is on cross), you will begin to separate from Heaven and enter a realm of fake experiences provided for you by the familiar spirit that you are making love to (worshipping). What truly is your desire…what do you, at the core of your being, truly want?

If you want the desires of His heart for you (in other words…your scroll) then you will draw Heaven to your words. If you want your own way, will, and wants, then you will attract ‘the spirit of this age’ and you will become blinded to Truth.

2Co 4:4 In whom the god of this world (age) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious (glory) gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

You will not draw in the Glory, but instead a fake and weak form of love that cannot stand the test of His Fire.


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