The Serpent and The Spirit of the Lord – Part 1
I can see how fools are swept away by the rain. They are blown about by their emotions. Everything about a fool is based around their deep seated emotional needs. Do not mistake emotions for feelings. Until we are grounded in identity, we will mistakenly try to gather emotional oil from people and things on the outside of us. This is a mistake. This can cause an empath to become a slave to a narcissist.
In the realm of fools, there are two types: The Narcissist and the Empath. Empaths have emotions and they have feelings that are out of their control. A Narcissist has emotions but they have no feelings. They appear to have their feelings under control, but they do not. This is because they simply do not have any human feelings, therefore they do not need to control them.
The Narcissist and the Empath feed off each other. The Empath loves the ‘strength’ of the Narcissist and they mistakenly look to the naricissist for the confirmation of their identity. This leads to their captivity.
The Narcissist loves the attention/worship of the Empath. The Empath becomes the prisoner of the Narcissist and the Narcissist is happy to ‘lead’ the relationship where they want it to go.
A wicked fool, in his most basic form, is a narcissist.
Psa 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
The Serpent Digests Slowly
The two types of fools, in their extremes, are empaths and naricissists. These are the ‘fools’ and the ‘wicked fools’.
If you strip a wicked fool down from all of his charisma and all of his niceties and charm, you get a serpent in its most basic form.
A serpent is a digestive system. Starting with the mouth to the rectum, a snake is a streamlined digestive system without the added ‘frills’ of arms and legs. This means that a serpent cannot be productive in society. They cannot contribute back to the corporate well being of a group of people. They are there for one reason, and that is to feed. So it is with a narcissist. Narcissist will contribute some needed services to society, but it is only to put themselves in a better position to feed.
They feed on the people’s emotions when they can get the people to admire them and to enjoy their charisma. These serpents will seemingly serve the public, in their minds, as a necessary evil to get the position that they want so that they can get the reward of people’s praise. Serpents must constantly consume and digest the emotions of those around them. They eat the dust of the earth. They eat the emotions and imaginations of those around them.
Gen 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent…upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
In the Hebrew “more subtil than any beast of the field” is actually “cunning out of the beasts of the field”. This is showing us that the serpent was actually one of the beasts of the field. He was “out of” the beasts of the field.
This is important to understand later in scripture when we see the beasts in Daniel and in the Book of Revelation. Also, Paul says this:
Tit 1:12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
Paul says that these ones are “evil beasts” and “slow bellies”. Clearly the serpent in the Garden was an ‘evil beast’. What is a “slow belly”? It is a belly that digests slowly. This is a perfect description of a serpent. Look at the following quote taken off the internet about the digestive rates of snakes:
According to a study conducted on Indian pythons, it took four to five days for a snake to completely digest a rabbit, when kept at 82 °F. A drop in temperature (71 °F) extended the time taken for digestion to seven days. When the temperature was further lowered (to 64 °F), the prey was left in the snake’s stomach, even after two weeks.
Can you see how snakes are “slow bellies”? It is interesting that if you increase the temperature around a snake they digest faster. Perhaps this is why narcissists love to cause drama and to keep their victims in a state of emotional excitement?
Self-Image/ Beast Image
Self-image is the image of the beast and the beast is the Serpent.
They seek to control you, not because they want “your good”, but because they feed on your emotions and if they can control you then they can keep you close for their constant ‘juice’ and ‘fuel’ supply.
This can look like a real relationship in public. But, at last the evil fool/narcissist/serpent gets tired…because you get distracted. When they can no longer keep your emotional worship focused on them, they will begin to abuse you. This is always subtle at first. They do not want to alarm you for fear you will run away. They will instead use the ‘slow boil effect’.
They don’t want your blood curdling screams right away. That alarms everyone around them to what they are up to. They like to stay hidden behind your “emotional issues” and will make sure that they are never seen as a cause of them.
Instead, they will boil you so slowly so that you barely whimper as you agonize over the abuse but, at the same time, you normalize it. That is their strategy.
They get you to normalize abuse so that they can have a constant supply of your emotional fuel. Remember they are “slow bellies’. It can take them years to digest you. They are not in a hurry. They want to get all the nutrients out of you. They love to strip you of years of your life and productivity. This is not because they have anything personal against you, but because they don’t care about you anymore than the meal in front of your face.
You love steak because it tastes good. They love you because you taste good. They are constantly ‘grooming’ you for their next meal, and they are grooming many people besides you for their future feeding program.
A wicked fool who is actively cunning will always have people in their lives that they are grooming. This can make them look very sociable and liked by many. They can appear to have many friends, but alas it is not so. Instead, they are clever and cunning vampires waiting to drink the blood (emotions) of their many imprisoned worshippers.
Are Some Narcissists Harmless?
Many narcissist are seemingly harmless, much like a housecat is basically harmless to a human. Make that same cat 200 pounds and watch what they do with the opportunity. You could do the same for most insects. Most insects would consume you if they were big enough, but because they do not have the opportunity because of their small size, they remain relatively harmless.
This is the same for the fool/narcissist. Most are relatively harmless just because they don’t actually have the skill set and intelligence to get away with totally destroying you. They would if they could, but most have resigned that to their fantasy world.
In ‘real life’ a narcissist actually despises you to the point that you are non-existent to them. Be assured that they never ‘think about you’ when you are not around them, except as to strategize their next meal engagement for maximum efficiency.
You are non-relevant to their life, except as you can provide a source of fuel/worship. If you cannot provide this essential component of their happiness, then they will not seek or even tolerate a relationship with you.
When you come to realize this about wicked fools, and you realize that an increasing amount around you are such, you begin to change your approach to relationships.
Fool and Wicked Fool
The wicked fool is a narcissist in some level of the maturing process. If they are highly intelligent and crafty, they will rise to the top of society. Some are lazy and just settle for the low-level energy. Those who like the higher frequency emotions will rise to the top controlling positions of society. Much depends on the appetite of the individual serpent for the “dust of the ground” that they eat.
The “fool” that is not wicked is the Empath. These can be believers in God or non-believers. In reality, the problem with the empath is that they do not really know God in the area of identity. They still see themselves as bastards.
In Part 2 of this teaching, we will discuss the fool who becomes a child of Elohym. A fool can get born again and find out who they are as a sovereign spirit being and begin to be trained by the Spirit of Yahweh to be an Adonai in this earth and to eventually overcome all of the narcissistic race on the planet.
Eph 4:13Till we all come in the unity of the faith (identity), and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive…
It is time to grow up into His Identity and His knowledge and His stature and to end our bondage to the “cunning craftiness” of those who actively are looking to deceive us and our fellow empaths by their lies and false doctrines. Let’s now look at how this victory will come to pass and what we must do to form the consciousness that gets the victory over all of their deceptions and powers:
Rev 12:11 And they overcame him (the dragon: flying serpent) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.