Offence slime ™
Offence and bitterness is like slime. If we are not careful we can get slimed by offence and then get stuck in it. Take an immediate blood bath if you get slimed by offence. Offence slime ™ is like the saliva of demons that begins the deterioration of your outer wall of joy. Next comes your peace and then your righteousness. No flesh shall glory or boast in the site of Yahweh:
1Co 1:29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.
The two natures of flesh and Glory are opposites and cannot coexist or cohabitate. The one must cancel out the other. The darkness that comes because of the veil of the flesh nature gives a place for demons to hide and to operate.
Crucify the flesh and you will belong to Messiah only. All beings of darkness will leave you because they no longer have a place to hide after the flesh is crucified.
Demons are spiritual parasites. When the glory light begins to get turned up, they start to find a more comfortable dwelling place. They are beings of darkness and they like to stay out of the light of a manifest son or daughter.
Joh 3:19 And this is the condemnation , that light is come into the world , and men loved darkness rather than light , because their deeds were evil .
This is why peoples’ flesh rises up against you. The demons are fighting for the maintenance of their abode. If they can get you to leave them alone they get to keep their home. If you keep unveiling their lies in order to save their prey, they will manifest to get you offended. Once you are in offence you have submitted to their frequency and now they start to work on bringing you into their captivity.
Heb 12:15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God ? lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled ?
Thank you!!!!!