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Blood, Oil, Wine



The problem with the Light is that it exposes sin. When you walk as the Word of God, as an open scroll, you divide the soul and the spirit. People can become very uncomfortable around you just because of your structure. You hurt their ‘eyes’ when they look at you because the structure of your spirit is sharp to them. The amount that they are impacted by your spirit shining through to them depends on the structure of your soul, your VoV (your mind and body).

Your soul is a lampshade for your spirit. Your spirit is cleaned, resurrected, and structured. Your spirit is structured by the scroll within. This is your ‘new’ name, your original name from above now made (AaSaH) renewed by the blood.

Isa 62:1 For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.

Isa 62:2 And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.

Isa 62:3 Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.

Isa 62:4 Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate

You are no longer forsaken, but your “righteousness”, your scroll, will go forth as “brightness” and a “lamp that burneth” because of the Glory that has returned to your throne within you.

Yashua has done this. When He rose from the dead He purchased back all of the corporate spirit of Adam. Your spirit was included in that inheritance. When you get born again, you claim your right to that inheritance.

Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Rom 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

You stake your claim, by your confession that Yashua is Lord (Adonai), into the eternal inheritance of the glorified spirit. When you believe that He resurrected, you can then believe that you were resurrected with Him. See yourself as being raised from the dead at the exact same time He was. See yourself as having been ‘grandfathered’ into the resurrection clause of the contract/covenant. You were included in Christ from before the foundation of the World System so that when He raised from the dead you raised with Him.

Your Spirit Glorified

Your spirit was glorified when you believed on Him. Him is the resurrected One.

Rom 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

Your spirit is justified (made sinless) and glorified by your choice to “believe” on Him, upon His Identity and the belief that He is good enough to give you Himself, His own Nature.

2Pe 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature

2Th 2:14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When you began to structure your belief systems through your confession you started to become aware of your new condition… “Son, you have a new condition”.

When you begin to confess Yashua as Adonai from a belief in your heart that He is resurrected, you have started your journey of Identity. This is called being birthed into the Kingdom. This is the ‘new birth’. At this point you are given Divine Nature.

Your new condition is that the Nature of Elohym3 has been transferred into your spirit via your scroll by the Spirit of God through the permission of the Blood.

Psa 23:5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Our spirit gets anointed with oil as our cup/throne/scroll (KUS/KiSeH/SePHeR) is filled and runs over into our skins. In this we can see that the oil comes from our ‘new name’. The oil within us is the ‘oil of identity’ because the oil is the embrace of Elohym3 upon our heart.

The Oil is the fragrance of His Identity poured forth into our own name which we carry within us, and with His Wine He “kisses” our mouth:

Son 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better (ToV: good) than wine.

Son 1:3 Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment (SHeMeN: oil) poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee.

“Thy name is as ointment”. His Name is as Oil. The Oil that anoints our head until our cup runs over is the Oil of His Name. It is the Oil of Identity. This is the same Oil that Yashua pours into our wounds to heal us. He heals us with the Oil of Identity and the Wine of His kisses:

Luk 10:34 And went to him,and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine

The Blood Gives Permission

The Blood gives permission for the Holy Spirit to come into your spirit because of the purchase price that redeems. The Courts of Heaven were in an imbalance after the transgression of Adam until Yashua paid the deficit with His Blood. The Courts of Heaven demanded justice, and in the Blood of Yashua justice was paid.

The Holy Spirit brings into you the Glory that was given back to Christ through Yashua’s prayer:

Joh 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

Joh 16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

Joh 16:15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

As King of the Messiah Race of New Creation Beings, Yashua asked for the Glory of the Father to be restored to humanity. This was the same Glory that was given to the Gen 1:26 Man-Face when he was ‘made’ (AaSaH).

The Holy Spirit would then bring this Glory into your purchased and cleansed spirit.

The Holy Spirit did not previously have permission to enter because your spirit was not owned by Yahweh. Adam sold your spirit into submission to satan and you were born into that prison cell/house.

Isa 42:22 But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey (to plunder), and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.

The word “prey” means ‘to plunder’. Your spirit was taken captive by satan at the fall of Adam and has been ‘plundered’ of all spiritual wealth. The enemy has been using your spirit to create (BaRA: bring forth and fill up) his will upon the earth and in the second heavens. He uses the spirit of a human to speak his words into the Crystal Sea to create dark structures.

The Tongue Speaks from Iniquity

Pro 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Jas 3:6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.

The tongue, says James, is “set on fire of hell” and is a “world of iniquity”. This means that satan uses the tongue to establish structures (gates) of hell from the twisted “world of iniquity” that your spirit is bound to before salvation.

We are to control our tongue to build structures of light in the heavenlies, but James tells us that this is impossible until you have a true change of Nature:

Jas 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

The times that we use our tongue to speak against our scroll and the Word of God is because we have “forgotten” that we are saved from that old twisted and evil serpentine nature:

2Pe 1:9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

Brethren, let us not be those who have “forgotten” that we were “purged from” our “old sins”. These old sins are the “works of the devil” and the “unfruitful works of darkness” that were brought forth by the speaking of the ‘twisted words’ (iniquity) that was within our spirit.

These are dark spiritual structures that the enemy can hide in and be protected from the Light. When we get born again the Glory light within us begins to melt these structures and the enemy is exposed and destroyed:

1Jn 3:8 …For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

The enemy has no actual creative ability because he has no authority. The possession of your spirit was his authority. Yashua stripped him of that asset when He rose from the dead and gave you back your spirit and scroll. You can receive back your spirit and scroll if you choose to receive His Blood as the purchase price to buy back your field and treasure from satan.

Col 2:15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

The Blood Bought You Back from Darkness

The Blood paid the price of your incarceration. Therefore, upon believing in the price of the Blood, you were transferred (translated) out of that dark prison house into the Kingdom of Light, that Kingdom of His dear Son.

Col 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

Remember that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them at Pentecost after the Blood of the Lamb had been shed and sprinkled upon the Mercy Seat in heaven.

Heb 9:12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

After Yashua did this He “sat down at the right hand (YaD) of the Father” and He released the Holy Spirit.

Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

Heb 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;

Heb 10:13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.

Heb 10:14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

Act 2:33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.


Rom 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep

Eph 5:14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

It is now time to awaken to righteousness.

1Co 15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not…

It is “high time” to awake out of sleep and to awaken to righteousness. Your scroll is your righteousness. You cannot become righteous. Your scroll was ‘made’ righteous before “the world was” in Gen 1:26 ( “…God said, let us make…”). Through the Blood you are given back that which Adam sold to satan. Yashua purchased back your scroll when he bought the field (your spirit) with the treasure (your scroll) in it.

Mat 13:44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

Yashua found your treasure and bought your field. He gives you your scroll back to you so that you can begin to govern the created realms as a glorified scroll structured spirit being™. Through the purchase price of the Blood you are brought back home, and by His Nature filling your scroll and spirit you are perfected and glorified:

Heb 10:14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

Rom 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

You are much loved. Feel the Kisses of His mouth, the Wine of His Love. Feel and smell the fragrance of His Oil as He embraces you with His Identity.

Your scroll was hated by satan and kept closed up in darkness through the imprisonment of your spirit, but now you are brought home and embraced as a natural born Son of the Father’s House:

Isa 42:6 I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;

Isa 42:7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.

Psa 107:10 Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron;

Psa 107:11 Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High:

Luk 1:79 To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

It is your spirit that sat “in darkness and in the shadow death, being bound in affliction and iron”. The shadow of death is the TZaL of death, the “image” or “shadowing” or covering. This is the frequency of death that confuses your scroll which is your name within you, and holds your name in the torment of chaos.

This word shadow is the same word as ‘image’ used in Gen 1:26. Man was created in the “image” of God, under His shadow and in His frequency. Because of Adam’s sin, our spirit was transferred into prison at our arrival into this earth and abides under the “shadow of death” in the prison cell of affliction until we are “translated” into Yashua’s Kingdom. This transfer out of the ‘prison house’ is made possible only by the payment price of the ransom…the Blood of Yashua.

2 commenti

07 lug 2022

The amount that they are impacted by your spirit shining through to them depends on the structure of your soul...Your soul is a lampshade for your spirit.

- This is so interesting & makes a lot of sense as to how to be more of an impact to others.

The oil of identity is how we get out of flesh consciousness, how we get back into dominion from our Spirit & throne. Repenting & remembering is the only way. It can be as quick as I want as well, since we live by faith, not by sight or even by feelings. Re-membering who we our identity back into the present, which is, by faith, going back to the beginning…

Mi piace

21 giu 2022

WOW! I was so engaged with this writing. It gave me such a visual of the battle going on in the second heavens, and a further revelation of the fall and Yashua’s sacrifice. There is a real movie-like battle going on, more intense then we are currently aware of. Lord open our eyes as we are ready to separate the light from darkness- and know the urgency of our diligence and opportunities to help in battle each day.

“The Holy Spirit did not previously have permission to enter because your spirit was not owned by Yahweh. Adam sold your spirit into submission to satan and you were born into that prison cell/house.“

I so experienced this before I was saved-…

Mi piace
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